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My story

Throughout my degree in Administration, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), I focused on the areas of People Management and Marketing, carrying out my final work focused on Internal Marketing (using Marketing concepts to meet customer needs internal, employees). At the end of the course I came into contact with a topic that changed my way of seeing Administration, and consequently my professional trajectory, which are studies related to Environmental Management.

It was then that I defined my first purpose in the area of management, which was to help organizations reduce their negative impacts on the environment and society, improving their economic performance. To this end, shortly after completing my degree I started a specialization in Cleaner Production and Eco-business, also at UFRGS. This training allowed me to work as a consultant in the environmental field, but it also motivated me to do a master's degree in the area, which opened the doors to the academic field.

Throughout my academic experience I had the opportunity to have contact with organizations from different sectors, which showed me what they needed to have better results in society. However, when looking at consolidated academic knowledge, I did not see many answers to the questions that society had. So, after almost ten years of completing my master's degree, I decided to advance my doctorate studies, to research and propose some paths. 

During my doctorate, one of the greatest moments in my academic and professional journey occurred, which was the opportunity to do a doctoral internship at Boston College (BC), USA, with professor Sandra Waddock. 

After completing my doctorate, I worked for a while in postgraduate programs aiming to spread my ideas regarding spirituality in organizations. But the biggest space was the application in organizations, adjusting the focus for leaders, thus seeking the development of leadership in an integral way. In order to complement my knowledge to work in organizations, I also studied a specialization in Positive Psychology.

So, with this experience, I developed this program to awaken the beneficial presence in usspaces.

PhD in Administration - UFRGS

 Doctoral internship at Boston College, USA

Specialist in Positive Psychology - PUCRS


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©2021 by Claudio Senna Venzke Desenvolvimento Humano Ltda.

CNPJ 30.766.392/0001-65

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